Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Some food for thought...

decided to add some spirtual essence into this blog thus i decided to give some questions for thought..

Do we Still Seek God?
Do we STill Follow God and Keep our Eyes FOcused On him??
Do we STill do Good?
DO we Still Speak of the Truth?
DO we still say WOrds of encouragement?
Do we Still Bring Blessings to People who have Brought us Harm??
Do we STill Live in peacE?


Got the bottom stuff from a book..for kids haha

Q: Why do friends let each other down sometimes?
A: sometimes we expect too much from our frens; then we feel let down when they dont come through for us. Some of our frens may be having a bad day and are working on their own problems.At those times your friends will find it difficult to help you. At other times your friends may not even be aware of your problems. They may not know that they have let you down. It's all right to express your disappointment and explain to them how you feel. When you talk to your friends in a nice way about how you feel, it will help you and them learn how to be better friends

Verse: The godly give good advice to their friends; the wicked lead them astray.

0203 sometimes we might have oppsing comments and we might think that our choice is much better and more reasonable then others, however learn to accept other comments.
Self centredness only harms a person and people around him or her..share more..let your problems be our problems..and let our problems be 0203's problems..we help carry each other's burdens and we help one and other to be close to God..we might face troubles in studies, family problems, frenship and many others..but we know right,guys? WE Can always count on each other!!