Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hope right place.

Today I did 3 pieces of art at zx. And I'll like to share one. Hopefully I can successfully picture it to you... First, I prepare few bright and attractive colours of water colour on a palette and a bottle of silver poster paint. Then I wet the whole piece of drawing paper evenly by brushing it with water. Following after, I starting drawing circles with the water colours, making the whole drawing paper colourful, bubbly yet fading. Then I use the silver poster paint to draw a few solid circles.

Title of the piece: From fantasy to reality.

We can live in our fantasy, and bet we have sufficient imaginations and dreams plus wishes to make our ideal life look as attractive as it can be. However, sadly, they aren't real. This explains why the fading illusions effect due to the moisture. But on the other side, we have a reality to live in as well. And it'll usually deem more dull, repetitive and uninteresting. This explains the silvery nice blend with the white background, not outstanding at all, as compared to the vibrant colours. I wish I had silver acrylic with me, cause I tried so hard to make the circles have a 3D effect. That's to remind us that reality is REAL.

People, we have 3 choices:
1. Live in our fantasy and try our best to escape reality.
2. Live in that boring reality and drooling looking into our fantasy.
3. Make our reality as vibrant as our fantasy!

Only those who dream, who wish, who hope, who fantasize in the same line as He does will qualify to request option 3 as a choice. The rest of them only get to choose from option 1 and 2. Which is sad.

People: dream, wish, hope, fantasize, imagine...
In accordance to His heart.

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