Thursday, November 22, 2007

hey hey..

These few weeks have been really hectic for me. I know, as compared to many other people who have given up WAY more than I have, this is nothing. But, anyways, I've been out the whole day for almost all days of the week. That made me really tired.

And every morning, when I have to crawl up at 6 plus after only sleeping for 5 hours or less, I feel like getting back into the comforts of my quilts. But as I 赖床 a bit more, contemplating on whether to go to school, I think about the reason why I DO go to school.

Then, I wake up quickly (partly because I thought too long and was going to be late.. lol), and prepared myself for school.

My conclusion: I need to interact with people so that I can bring them closer to God.

The truth is, that's my motivation for studying. I keep thinking how good it would be if I was home-schooled. Then I wouldn't have to crawl up at unearthly hours.

Maybe it's a time for us to weigh our priorities: Why are we doing the things we're doing? Is it because we have to do them? And even if so, how do we make the best of the stuff that 'we have to do' to become the stuff that 'we want to do; because of God'?

"and then i thought about God.. and thought: i just want to go to Heaven and be with Him, want people to hear the Good News so that they can go there too. i want God's will to be done, cause that's like, the best.." ~char

"But there's one drive that wouldn't go wrong: Evangelism... The ONLY way to fulfilling life... For a simple reason: We exist to Evangelise and like you said, let His will be done on Earth. Just it is in Heaven..." ~ CL


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Weiwen, what u said is so real. i felt and could feel myself feeling what you depict (while in my poly days and Even while i'm into work esp. when too many things pile layers and layers on my usually stable shoulders)

but like what you said, and i shall echo it again " The ONLY way to fulfilling life... For a simple reason: We exist to proclaim His Name & His Good News (the biggest, greatet new yeah!)
let His will be done on Earth. Just it is in Heaven..." Just do it!