Monday, November 12, 2007

Hey guys! I was reading through the forum and the discussions we had over the past years of youth camp 2004 & 2005. WE NEED TO START DISCUSSING TOO.

We need to have this atmosphere that everyone's interested in the camp. Not just the ones planning are involved in their own areas, but EVERYONE INTERESTED IN THIS. We can't be inviting friends and expecting them to come when we ourselves are not interested in it. We can't have people saying 'I won't be going anyway' or people engaged in their own conversations other than our new friends and the camp.

We're losing focus, people. The planning is important; and so are all the times we're together. But, let's focus on getting people to come closer to God k?? Even if we've got the greatest games and conversations going on, nothing actually matters if we don't manage to bring our loved ones closer to the Gospel.

So far, we have Yuan Sheng (Melissa's brother), Cherry (Cheryl's schoolmate) and Xin Hui (Charlene's classmate). Please pray that they would be able to come for the camp (in case they pull out suddenly) and that they would enjoy being with us as much as we enjoy being with them. Most importantly, they would see God in us and thrist to know Him. So, be careful who we show God is k!!

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